Warlock Subclasses

Below are some highlights of some of our favorite homebrew warlock subclasses!

The Green

You have made a pact with an entity of the green. Whether your patron is the demonic steward of a mist-filled marsh or the everlasting force which resides within the boundless forests of the multiverse, you are an agent of its territorial whims. Perhaps you have been tasked with the protection of its sacred domain? Or maybe you instead seek to expand its viridescent influence? Whatever the case may be, your patron has empowered you with its vibrant vitality.

Art by Lotte Schonis Illustrations

The Passenger

Your patron is a monstrous horror from somewhere within the multiverse. Where most patrons are aloof or bestow power and forget their warlocks, your patron has taken a vested interest in you. You carry with you an aspect of your patron, a “passenger”, which grants you a monstrous form to combat your enemies. What your patron wants may remain a mystery, but you can always feel its presence as if someone is looking over your shoulder. Beings of this sort include powerful aberrations from the Far Realm, cosmic horrors, and chaotic evil demons from the Abyss.

Art by Gabriel de Mello

The Revels

The entity you strike your bargain with is a god of festivals, one of the grand heralds of the Dionysian tradition. Their gifts transform you into the life of the party, teaching you to pass the fizzing joy of ecstasy among an increasing number of revelers. Your patron will only be satisfied with the endless proliferation of their unique brand of merriment. As an agent of celebration, you enlist enemies to your congenial cabal, help your allies shrug off their physical limitations, and whip crowds into a frenzied fever pitch.

Art by Kyra Escalante