
Below are highlights of some of our favorite backgrounds!


Spitting grease, roaring flames, savory scents, and sweet treats have marked your journey as a chef among adventurers. You are not satisfied with the simple rations which adventurers regard as a grim necessity. Instead you have taken your love of culinary practice and taught yourself how to cook while on the road, finding fresh fish, scavenging for crisp herbs, and hunting for wild game; all in the name of a good meal. You have even learned to profit off your skills; providing memorable culinary performances for awed adventurers around a campfire for coin, or cooking a grand meal for a small family of farmers to allow you to stay in their home.

Art by Daniel Comerci Art


Often considered a mix between noble, arbitrator, and agent, you have been entrusted by your patron to oversee crucial peace and trade deals on their behalf. When tempers run high and demands seem too great to meet, your patience and political maneuvering provide parties with a chance to parley. Even the most aggressive of political foes are likely to hear you out or treat you with the dignity afforded to those in your position. Yet the greatest of diplomats know that coming to an agreement often requires more than words, forcing you to embark on grand adventures to gain favors or spread your patron’s influence through actions.

Art by Dean Spencer Art

Failed Mage

Not all who call upon the mystical forces of magic succeed. At some point in your life, you attempted to wear the mantle of a mage, whether in the arcane or divine, yet for some reason or other you failed. Perhaps it was a lack of talent, a god who ignored your prayers, or an overbearing mentor who drove you to abandon your studies. Despite this failure, you have retained some remnants of your attempts and have moved on from your loss. Do you seek to ignore your past? Have you found your talents lie elsewhere? Or have you taken on the challenge of learning magic once again?

Art by Dean Spencer Art

Green Thumb

You’re most at home while elbow-deep in rich, cold soil, running your fingertips along vibrant silk flower petals, and crushing herbs between your palms to release sweet aromas. Your immersion in horticulture has led to a deep understanding of the various plant life you may find while on your adventures, and has even aided you in understanding the secret language of druids. No matter where you may roam, there is always luscious greenery to learn from and care for.

Art by Red Ink Caravan (Banner) & Armando Ayala (Herbalist)