Species & Subspecies



These subterranean humanoids share many physical similarities with their long-removed badger ancestors. Badgerkin are often compared to dwarves in height and build, though they are much warmer to strangers than their dwarven fellows.


Originating inexpansive plains and deserts across the world, rhonine are a race of thick-plated, bipedal rhino-like humanoids whose towering physiques and legendary strength are juxtaposed by their thoughtfulness and stoicism.  


Roden are a species of bipedal mouse-like humanoids characterized by deft hands, nimble movement, and long tails. A communal species by nature, they live and thrive in congenial and collaborative communities centered around crafting.


Scalene are distinguished by the illustrious cap of scales that coat the top of their head and back of their necks. With no known home, scalene are found wandering amongst the peoples of the world, using their skills to act as diplomats, merchants, and scholars.


Distantly related to the monstrous worgs, vargs are a race of wolf-like humanoids with long snouts and peaked ears. Their familiarity with the power of predatory creatures allows them to tame and ride powerful allies, such as bears, lions, and wolves.


Marsh Dwarf

As a marsh dwarf, you’ve become accustomed to the fog-filled marshes of your home. Though many of your kin are known for living in gem-filled mountains or deep within the hills, your ancestors found safety and prosperity within the bogs.

Seafarer Halfling

Though many halflings are known for their desire for a quiet life around a warm fire and a full table, many live as nomads and wanderers - none more so than seafarer halflings. Not content to settle for life on land, they have taken to the wide open waters as sailors, pirates, merchants, and explorers.

Shadow Dragonborn

These dragonborn can trace a piece of their lineage to the shadowed wyrms who make their homes in the gloomiest lands of the multiverse. They have developed abilities akin to their ancestors, vanishing into the darkness and breathing cones of necrotic energy over their foes.