NPC Cards

Below are highlights of some of our favorite NPCs, many of which you can find in our stories!

Aelix Farshadow

While Aelix was growing up, his father was obsessed with the different realms of existence and the secrets they held. He spent every night up late with his son, poring over tomes that described worlds beyond the young boy’s imagination. Those nights spent amongst the pages changed Aelix forever, imbuing him with a magic even he does not understand. After his father passed, Aelix found work aboard the Unbridled Venture, a merchant ship traveling between the planes on sails of energy. Through hard work, an eye for details, and an innate ability to detect interdimensional portals, he worked his way up to the position of navigator. 

Art by Isabela Zaneti

Nerissa Ishaq

Justice must be as swift and harsh as the lightning, or so vows Nerissa Ishaq as her static infused strikes pummel evil-doers. As a child, the young tiefling prayed for heroes to aid her and her loved ones as they fell victim to unspeakable injustices. Yet none ever darkened her doorstep. Nerissa vowed to be the justice she had so longed for in vain. After years of training on far away mountaintops, where neverending thunder cracks and lightning flashes punctuated her every movement, she descended from on high, her fists charged with the static fury of righteousness. Now Nerissa wanders the world, prepared to exact revenge on behalf of any who call out in need. 

Art by Kyra Escalante

Ronar Lostsoul

In a city of thousands, Ronar Lostsoul knows true loneliness. Descended from rhonines once exiled for crimes against their people, the investigator grew up amongst those who looked nothing like him. Odd stares and hushed whispers cling to the towering investigator like shadows. Yet Ronar does not care. He clings tightly to fleeting memories of childhood stories in which his people roam green plains and far-flung deserts. In search of a life never lived, the lost soul has dedicated every waking moment towards locating the reclusive, nomadic rhonine his ancestors once called kin. Each case the detective takes has only one purpose - to bring him one step closer to a place and people he may truly call home.

Art by Dean Spencer Art