Art by Dean Spencer Art

The Strategist

A strategist’s mind is as sharp as any sword and more resourceful than any spell. Genius intellect guides allies and ensnares enemies on and off the battlefield. Their greatest strength lies not just in devising the plan, but preparing for even the most unpredictable scenarios. What may seem like miraculous outcomes are instead due to the strategist’s careful planning and well-honed foresight.

Strategist Subclasses


Strategists who choose this profession hone their tactics on the field of battle. There is no clearer path to victory for a commander than a prepared mind. Those in your command look to you for hope as your strategies guide them to success in impending battle. Commanders implement their strategies before the battle even begins, bolstering their allies with words of inspiration and guarantees of a glorious victory. They are not afraid to join their troops on the field of battle, standing strong amidst the chaos to ensure a tactical triumph. They wade into combat while twisting their tactics to shift allies, call out enemy's weaknesses, and direct coordinated strikes across several fronts.

Art by Gabriel de Mello

Crew Leader

The bard distracts the party, weaving magic into their performance to gain the crowd’s attention. The sorcerer waves their staff, putting several guards to sleep. A rogue slips through the now unguarded door, picking the lock to a hidden safe and collecting the loot. At the center of it all is you - their leader.

Strategists who choose this profession have risen to a position of tactical dominance in the underworld. Whether you built your crew from the ground up or outmaneuvered an existing crew leader to take their place, you specialize in leading groups of thieves, scoundrels, and criminal specialists to conduct heists and other underhanded schemes.

Art by Burrito McGee


A blot of ink on the right thumb. A fresh scratch against a keyhole. Dried clay on a bootheel. What may not be important to the undiscerning eyes of a layman instead speak volumes to the discerning investigator. Their brilliant minds unveil mysteries and reveal hidden secrets, often to the fascination of their companions. Investigators can often be found where the mystery is thickest, delving deep into the criminal underworld to find a murderer or wading through court etiquitte to uncover a traitor. Where many can be found for hire in unmarked, back-alley offices, others wander the world, using their skills to aid those in need. To an investigator, each clue is another piece to a puzzle which begs to be uncovered.

Art by Beto Miranda


Whereas many strategists focus on sheer intelligence to produce near-miraculous tactics, seers go a step further by delving into the supernatural. A strategist’s natural focus on discovery and learning flows seamlessly into divination’s flair for foretelling the future. They then use their predictions to weave transmutation magic to enhance the physical attributes of themselves and their allies to ensure the success of their plans. Those who choose to challenge a seer are likely to find themselves on the wrong end of a strategy, the success of which has already been foretold.

Art by Revujo Illustration