Sorcerer Subclasses

Below are some highlights of some of our favorite homebrew sorcerer subclasses!

Fae Magic

The awe-inspiring beauty and unrestrained terror of the fae has weaved itself around you. How you gained your abilities may even be a mystery to you. You could have been lost among the fae as a child and do not remember, maybe you trace your lineage to a powerful fae, or perhaps the inscrutable and whimsical nature of the fae has seeped so deeply into your blood that you simply don’t care. Either way, your connection to the fae has provided you not only with potent power but the ability to call on a fae spirit that can draw on power from the mysterious realm to charm, disorient, and frighten enemies.

Art by Daniel Comerci Stock Art

Planar Soul

Your magic comes from generations of exposure to the space-rending magics of interplanar travel. Perhaps your forebears were some of the first to brave traveling the multiverse or lived in one of the realms where spacetime magic was originally developed. Wherever you trace your origin to, it has imbued you with a permanent affinity for spatial magic.

Art by Isabela Zaneti

Scorching Soul

You are a creature born of superheated smoke and flames. You may trace your lineage to a powerful demon of hellfire and brimstone, or perhaps you were exposed to the burning magic of a distant plane. Your sorcerous origin allows you to call upon the heat within to conjure walls of flame, exhale breaths of smoldering air, and take on a form of blistering smoke. The burning magic within your soul has caused you to take on physical manifestations of the roiling heat contained within. The spark of smoke and flame which empowers you is always fighting to explode in a burst of blazing heat.

Art by Revujo Illustration