Rogue Subclasses

Below are some highlights of some of our favorite homebrew rogue subclasses!


Silent arrows soar through the darkness, striking their marks with unnerving ease. A search for the source returns no results, only more questions. When a deadeye has you in their sights, there's little you can do. Long past are the days when trials of accuracy are any challenge to the rogues who embrace this archetype. Cloaked in shadows, they strike from a distance, wielding ranged weapons the way a painter wields a brush. Their unerring accuracy allows them to make special use of each of their shots, pinning foes in place or disarming them of their weapons. A deadeye excels at making shots which would seem impossible to even the most experienced sharpshooters, all without being seen.

Art by Dean Spencer Art

Divine Agent

You are an agent of the divine. You have been granted magic and abilities in exchange for committing deeds which can never see the light of day - all for your god. Perhaps you are the shadow which lurks within the light of your deity. Or your weapons may be enchanted to gleam brightly as they vanquish the darkness. Divine Agents, feared by the foes of their gods, often act in secrecy as they steal holy relics or assassinate those who would threaten the faithful.

Art by Federico Avila Corsini

Rift Runner

Rogues are known for their uncanny ability to gain entry into hard-to-reach locations to scout out enemy camps, steal invaluable goods, or commit assassinations. Where many rogues would use guile, clever planning, or tools to gain entry, rift runners have mastered the art of creating brief tears in the fabric of space to open new doors to their targets. Rift runners are known to never stay in one place for too long. Their planar tears allow them to attack from hidden locations, teleport from one enemy to the next, and appear to vanish entirely.

Art by Manuel Clavijo