Ranger Subclasses

Below are some highlights of some of our favorite homebrew ranger subclasses!

Conclave of the Behemoth Wrangler

Your connection to nature has taught you that size does not always win the fight, and that even the largest monsters can be toppled with cunning. Where behemoths rely on size and strength in battle, your conclave teaches the kind of strength that comes with a razor-sharp mind. You have studied their ways in order to track, identify, and topple colossal creatures who would otherwise trample their victims underfoot. Rangers of this conclave learn how to charm towering creatures and strike in ways that will punish them for their overwhelming size.

Art by Forrest Imel Stock Art

Conclave of the Cosmic Couatl

Watching, waiting, and ever-present deep within the swirling eddies of the infinite cosmos lies the all-powerful Cosmic Couatl. This mysterious and reclusive being is said to be a couatl that found a way to coalesce power from amongst the stars in an effort to protect those it held most dear. Guided by the being’s example, rangers of this conclave act as wardens across the cosmos, harnessing the magical energy from amongst the universe to develop wondrous psionic abilities and protect those in need.

Art by Cham Capadiso

Conclave of the Tracker

You have dedicated yourself to the endless pursuit of your quarry. You are a tracker feared for their preternatural ability to find their target and follow them to the ends of the earth. You pick up on the smallest of evidence, never letting a trail die. Some trackers seek out evil creatures who have harmed the natural world; others act as bounty hunters for those who can afford their services. Your mystical connection to nature bestows upon you magic to seek your quarry, see through their attempts to hide, and subdue them once they are in your sights.

Art by Dean Spencer Art