Monk Subclasses

Below are some highlights of some of our favorite homebrew monk subclasses!

Way of Momentum

Monks of the Way of Momentum use their ki to harness the power of themselves, their allies, and even their enemies during a battle. They strike with unerring speed and strength, while halting the momentum of their enemy’s blow and turning it against them. These monks can just as often be found darting across the battlefield with supernatural speed, as at the center of a heated fight, screeching all movement to a halt.

Art by Beto Miranda

Way of the Gravity Fist

The Way of the Gravity Fist teaches its students to expand their inner ki and utilize it to manipulate the flow of gravity around them. A monk who harnesses this technique sees the waves of gravity around them as a tool to be harnessed in combat. With careful focus, they can control their own density and that of those around them. In one moment, they are completely immovable, in the next they are bounding across the field with ease. Their fighting style is one of pure focus and control as they channel their ki to twist the laws of physics to their bidding.

Art by Manuel Clavijo

Way of the Static Imbalance

Monks of the Static Imbalance master their ki so intricately that they become able to manipulate the electrostatic fields that surround their bodies. These monks hold charges within their bodies, electrifying their strikes and dragging down enemies with electrostatic cling. While at first some practitioners of this way struggle to hold onto the delicate relationship between ki and static, the true masters learn to discharge immense sparking power without singing a hair on an ally’s head.

Art by Kyra Escalante