Fighter Subclasses

Below are some highlights of some of our favorite homebrew fighter subclasses!

Elemental Striker

These legendary combatants are often spoken of in hushed whispers of reverence due to their awe-inspiring displays of primordial power. Yarn-spinners and raconteurs tell tales of the most powerful of these fighters, who call upon a legion of elements as they take to the battlefield. Whether they discovered these powers through latent magical abilities or invented a series of unique volatile chemicals, they have learned to enhance their weapons with elemental fury.

Art by Lotte Schonis

Realm Strider

Realm striders are experts at discovering planar portals in hidden and dangerous parts of the world. Their visits across the planes have allowed them to see the wonders in dozens of worlds, gaining knowledge and experiences others could not dream of. They are protected along their journey by their martial prowess, which slowly enhances as they begin to absorb the magic of planar jumps. Their frequent hops between planes have forever changed realm striders, leading to slight physical manifestations and minor teleportation abilities, which they use to exert control over the battlefield.

Art by Isabela Zaneti

Shield Warrior

These legendary warriors wield their shields with an unparalleled mastery. They enhance their martial prowess by bashing opponents with the face of their shield while providing cover for allies. Yet these fierce warriors do not allow themselves to be limited by the usual constraints of melee, instead entering into the fray even from a distance. When an ally is in need of defense from afar, the Shield Warrior interposes by flinging their shield between the danger and their teammate. it is said that a line of these legendary warriors can hold off an entire army for days.

Art by Isabela Zaneti