Druid Subclasses

Below are some highlights of some of our favorite homebrew druid subclasses!

Circle of Soot

Druids of the Circle of Soot are naturalists obsessed with the burning edge of the circle of life; the place where life and death dance together, without much concern for sustainability. These druids weave a particular kind of spellcasting focus, a thickly-packed bundle of organic matter that smokes wildly and produces so much soot that it drips from the end like watery paint from a brush. This twisted connection to nature gives them access to burning and acidic magic, the ability to paint with their pollutants, and eventually unlock the secrets to restoring life in even the foulest of atmospheres.

Art by Inderawasih

Circle of the City

To truly love nature is to know that it can flourish anywhere. There is beauty in the smallest of seeds which grow weeds and flowers through cracks in the pavement, in the blades of grass bursting between cobblestones, and the small creatures who stay out of sight to survive. Druids who become part of the Circle of the City recognize the strength of urban nature more than any other. Their connection to the bustling wilds grants them the ability to blend into the city’s unique ecosystem and create natural havens in unlikely places.

Art by Daniel Comerci Stock Art

Circle of the Stonepulse

As a member of the Circle of the Stonepulse, your druidic powers draw you to the seismic pulse of life within the earth. All druids celebrate the vitality found in nature, but where the sedentary nature of stone might seem lifeless to some, druids of the Stonepulse know there is more beneath than what appears on the surface. Druids of this circle draw the earth’s power into themselves, call allies from the ground, and bend immutable stone to their purposes.

Art by Dean Spencer Art