Cleric Subclasses

Below are some highlights of some of our favorite homebrew cleric subclasses!

Eldritch Domain

Clerics of the Eldritch Horror domain pay service to the terrors in the dark, presiding over ancient blood rituals and casting spells of fearsome power. Adherents of this domain are not inherently evil, though their willingness to praise darkened horrors can be confusing to outsiders. They twist the craze-inducing magic of their gods to implant eldritch nightmares, wrap themselves in protective shadows, and use their infectious madness to overwrite the minds of their enemies.

Art by Komarca Art

Hearth Domain

Clerics of the Hearth Domain draw power from their god’s warmth to wade into battle, acting as the manifestation of the hearth to wield the heat of the flame and bring allies in from the cold. Those who call upon the blessings of this domain become empowered to twist smoldering embers into a raging inferno to stake their dominion over all those who stand within their light.

Art by Isabela Zaneti

Time Domain

Whereas most gods govern the force which defines their pantheon, gods of time instead act as powerful stewards. These deities understand that time is the most powerful force in all the cosmos, which must be treated with the utmost respect. Followers of these deities understand that their gods are not like others. They find themselves waiting, studying, and praying for entire lifetimes with no response. Yet when they are bestowed powers, often from gods thought to be long dead, their roles as clerics of time begin. Their magic allows for a brief control over time in limited spaces - a small representation of the true powers of their lost deities.

Art by Isabela Zaneti